
Jumat, 25 November 2011

The Greatest Enemies of Our Teeth

De grootste vijanden van onze tanden

Our teeth can suffer many ways - by a hard blow, a fall, excessive eating, due to medication or disease, etc. But in everyday life, sugar and tobacco are the greatest enemies our teeth. How do these two formidable enemies exactly the steps to damage our teeth?

1. Enemy of the teeth: sugar

Sugar serves as food for many bacteria that thrive in our mouth, which in turn produce acids. These acids affect the mineralized tissues (enamel) of the tooth and cause tooth decay over time.
But sugar also works by a different mechanism, thus causing its decay power reinforced. The sugar that we get brings the pH of the saliva which is downward, causing the acidity in our mouths and thus increases the risk of caries.

How can you protect yourself from sugar?

  • By eating less sugar of course! But there are other slopes.
  • Brushing the teeth after every meal.
  • Not eating or snacking between meals, and otherwise always brush your teeth afterwards. Did you know that even bread and milk sugars (complex carbohydrates), and thus production of acid by the bacteria cause?
  • Chewing gum without sugar if you eat do not have a chance to brush your teeth (by chewing increases saliva production and find a self-cleaning of the teeth instead).
  • Especially avoid sugary drinks. They are often consumed between meals and increase the acidity in the mouth more because they not only sweetened but often very acidic!
  • A fact: you do to prevent dental caries in children known as a seal grooves of the tooth. This can happen if the definitive choose from, and that until they are 14 years.

Sugar, teeth and inflammation

The oral bacteria are not only dangerous because of the acids they produce. As they proliferate, they can also lead to gingivitis (gum inflammation) and periodontitis (inflammation of the periodontium, the joint support tissues of the teeth).
These bacteria can spread to other places in the body and - again by an inflammatory process - cardiovascular problems do arise. Poor oral and dental hygiene has, for example the risk of arteriosclerosis (narrowing of arteries by fatty deposits) rise or the risk of relapse after a heart attack. 

Enemy No. 2 of the teeth: the cigarette

The cigarette comes in two rather than as an enemy of our teeth, not because they are less dangerous than sugar, but because it applies only to smoking.
affects the gums and supporting tissues of the teeth. In time the teeth come through to be independent. Smoking dries the mouth out well (too little saliva) and thus promotes tooth decay, reduced elasticity of the mucous membranes, bad breath and a loss of taste and smell. Aesthetically yellow teeth from smoking and they get spots.
Smoking is
also, finally, cancer of the oral cavity in hand, but also cancer of the mucous membranes (lips, cheeks), tongue, gums, the periodontal. With each pull on the cigarette, hundreds of toxic substances in direct contact with the cells in our mouths.
The risk of oral cancer is further boosted by alcohol (the combination of alcohol and tobacco is common).
also slows the healing of the wound after tooth extraction and increases the risk of complications after placement of an implant. Placing an implant also failed more frequently in smokers.

How can you protect your lips against tobacco?

  • By not smoking or not, of course.
  • Through a good oral and dental hygiene to keep.
  • By regularly to the dentist, so that all lesions detected early and treated.
  • And especially not say I am going to quit smoking and then I'll go to the dentist. Because everyone knows that smoking cessation can be long.

Regularly remove tartar is the absolute minimum!

Going to the dentist regularly is important both for the damage caused by sugar or by smoking. The purpose of such visit - at least - the removal of tartar (removal of the plaque formed by bacteria and food residues). Also make sure an appointment when in doubt (toothache, red or swollen gums, bleeding).
Source : googleusercontent.com

Kamis, 24 November 2011

TIPS : 5 Step Learn To Stop Overeating


Many people suffer from the disorder of overeating. There are many reasons like guilt, frustration, stress, or other negative emotions which may compel one to overeat. But of all the reasons, one of the most common reason is anxiety. Many people eat a lot in order to fill in for the anxiety. In this article, we are going to cite some tips on how to stop overeating. So, if you, a family member, or a friend are suffering from a similar kind of problem, then you can take some action.

Deep Breathing
If at any point of time, you feel the urge of eating. Then, close your eyes for ten seconds, take a deep breath. You can repeat this process for about five times. After doing this, try and have a glass full of water.

Another method which one can resort to is meditation. Do try and make it a part of your daily regime. Meditation is known to give peace of mind and along with that you will also feel content. So, if there is any psychological reason which is forcing you to eat, then meditating will help you in overcoming it.

Keeping Yourself Busy
Other than that, whenever you feel hungry, try and engage yourself in some other activity. It is always a better thing to indulge something which you are fond of. You can watch your favorite sports, listen to songs, read books and things like that.

Healthy Eating
If at all you feel the urge to eat after these small intervals and it seems that you cannot just control it, then you can go ahead and eat as long as the food you consume is healthy. The best types of foods are fruits and vegetables. These foods are good for your body and at the same time, they even fulfill your urge to eat. Try and have your meals with your family and friends. This way, you will be required to share your meals with other people around you and thus, this will assist you in not overeating. Like, if you have your lunch in your office, then you can have it along with your office friends and you can have your dinner with your family members. It is not at all difficult to stop overeating as long as you keep a track of what you are eating and how much you are eating. In the initial stage, you might find it difficult but, as time passes you will get used to it. When you start, make small changes in you diet and may be later on you can go for big ones.

Getting Enough of Water
Make sure that you consume water before you consume your meals and also when you are having your meals. This will make your tummy full and as a result, you will consume only how much you are actually supposed to.


Rabu, 23 November 2011

TIPS : 4 The Best Steps To Reduce Stress

Do you ever find that you have become stressed out by all the pressures of life and don't know what to do?
Have you ever wished that you could find a way to reduce stress? The good news is that you can reduce stress in your life. Follow the four steps below to reduce stress:
1. The first step to reduce stress is to consider the things that annoy you the most.
A good way of identifying your main stressors is to keep a diary for two weeks.
Each day keep a list of the things that caused you tension or anxiety. Make a note of how, when and where those situations occurred. Consider what things continue to regularly cause you stress.
To help you to get started making your list here are some to the things that experts consider are the main causes of stress in our lives:
  • Fears, anxieties and phobias cause emotional stress.
  • Making decisions such as choosing a mate or deciding on a career.
  • Environmental problems such as noise, pollution or being too hot or too cold.
  • Relationship problems such as having to speak in public or dating problems.
  • Important changes such as moving home, a new baby or a new job.
  • Family problems such as financial difficulties or coping with an unruly teenager.
  • Chemical abuse including tranquilizers, caffeine, alcohol and nicotine.
  • Challenges at work such as meeting deadlines or unpredictable work colleagues.
At the end of each day consider how you handled those stressors. Make a note of how you felt physically and emotionally, and think about whether your reaction improved the situation or made it worse. Consider what action you could have taken to improve situation and determine to take that action if a similar situation arises.
2. Meditate on positive things that happen each day
Take some time to look back over everything that you were grateful for today. This could include a delicious meal, an uplifting conversation with someone, a project that you've completed or anything that made you smile or laugh. Develop an attitude of gratitude - you'll feel much better.
3. Understand yourself better as a person.
Understanding yourself better as a person will help you to find and then eliminate the root causes of your problems. This will reduce stress and reduce mood swings resulting in a happier life.
4. Determine which things give you the most joy.
The beauty of your life is you choose who you want in it and what you want to do with it. To help you get started find a pen and sheet of paper and set aside some time, at least an hour, when you're likely to be undisturbed. Quieten your mind and meditate on the things that give you the most joy. Write down whatever comes into your mind and then go through your list and put them in an order of priority. Then do them. It could include visiting somewhere that you've always wanted to see or anything else that would bring you joy.
  • Forget what others want and expect of you.
  • Find your passion and purpose.
  • Stay true to yourself.
You can reduce stress in your life. Follow the four steps above and you will experience less stress and more fulfilment and happiness in your life. You will be able to remove the emotional problems that you are experiencing and that are stopping you from succeeding. You will find that life is no longer controlling you but you will be free to take control of your life.
The result is that you will feel happier and more fulfilled so what are you waiting for.

Senin, 21 November 2011

Diabetes: Learn to Recognize The Symptoms

Diabetes: leer de symptomen herkennen

Everyone knows what diabetes is, but few are able to recognize its symptoms. The signs of diabetes are indeed little known. These are the most important.

Diabetes and blood sugar

Diabetes is a disorder of glucose metabolism. Glucose is the basic element that the body with energy. The problem is due to a mistake in the production of insulin by the pancreas or the fact that the cells fail to properly use the glucose (insulin resistance). In both cases, there is a high concentration of glucose in the blood, which is called hyperglycemia.

Thus, we distinguish between hand type 1 - diabetes or insulin dependent diabetes which mainly affects children and young adults and characterized by a pancreas (or pancreatic) that no or insufficient insulin. On the other hand, there is type 2 - 
diabetes, the most common form, known as "fat diabetic" called. This form is due to insulin resistance and occur mostly in people older than 40 years. Finally, there is gestational diabetes, which occurs during pregnancy and disappears after childbirth.
Cases of
diabetes are becoming more common and the affected people are getting younger. Our diet and our lifestyles have certainly something to do.

The biggest problem with
diabetes, the risk of complications. Prolonged cases of hyperglycaemia affect the blood vessels and nerves and lie at the root of many serious complications: cardiovascular disease, neuropathy (nerve disease), renal failure, retinopathy (disease of the optic nerve), foot ulcers, recurrent infections.

The characters indicate diabetes?

The Symptoms are the same regardless of the type of diabetes. Note however, because in the case of type 2 diabetes, the symptoms are often insidious. Diabetes lurks in the background, often long before late breaking, sometimes discreet and non-specific symptoms. The disease is sometimes so only detected when the first complications occur or when an examination for another condition occurs.

The signs of diabetes are:
  • Require frequent urination (day and night).
  • Many thirsty.
  • A greater hunger.
  • Excessive fatigue and faintness.
  • Weight loss.
  • Recurrent infections of the skin, gums, bladder, vulva or the foreskin.
  • Poor healing of scars.
  • Tingling and itching hands and feet.

    But sometimes the symptoms of
    diabetes complications indicating:
  • Visual disturbances (blurred vision).
  • Pain or cramps in the legs.
  • Impotence. 

What are the risk factors of diabetes?

  • Genetic predisposition.
  • Overweight.
  • Abdominal obesity.
  • Elevated blood pressure.
  • An unbalanced diet: rich in saturated fatty acids in animal fats, low in fruits, vegetables and fiber.
  • A sedentary life.

    The best way to detect an onset diabetes, is to measure the blood sugar levels with a simple blood test (fasting), especially when the risk is :
    Diabetes : Blood glucose (fasting) above 1.26 g / l.
    Risk of diabetes, blood sugar (fasting) between 1.10 and 1.26 g / l.

    Better still, you can avoid diabetes through healthy and balanced diet by preventing obesity and regular physical activity or sports. And finally, by your blood pressure and your cholesterol checked.

Minggu, 20 November 2011

I'm always hungry for 11 hours. What should I do?

Ik heb altijd honger om 11 uur. Wat moet ik doen?
A rumbling stomach at the end of the morning is a sign that breakfast was meager. Breakfast is important, and yet many people are struggling. Some tips to prevent us from skipping.

Battery empty in the morning

If you in the morning between 6 and 7 o'clock rise, your batteries pretty empty (unless of course the night before very late and very richly've eaten). And that's normal, because when evening about 20 hours eating there since your last meal about ten hours elapsed. During that time period your body has most of its energy reserves are exhausted. Even at night your body is working on, even if it is slower than during the day.
Like your cell phone, your battery now and then be recharged. The breakfast performs exactly that function.


Some people are morning fresh as a daisy and have a healthy appetite. For them, the holy breakfast and they will never leave home without their ritual moment of drinks and food experience. Often they make the night before all the indispensable breakfast. The table is covered, the coffee maker or kettle to be put ready, and so need only be set up, the sandwiches have been cut and packaged at the dry, the butter is already out of the refrigerator so that it easily spreads, honey or jam is already with the spoon on the table there, the fruit salad is cool and all is ready to be eaten.
These people are not hungry for 11 hours!

Not hungry?

But many people, both adults and adolescents, are difficult to stand. They are running the first minutes after the end of the clock in like zombies. These people are not hungry or even thirsty. Maybe that still, for example, while showering, but it is not. They certainly have much of that precious time in the morning need to be pushed out they have no time for breakfast, let alone sandwiches and eat it.
They feel that they have fuel, because they know very well that morning "fog" will only go up if they have their batteries recharged. And so they drink a cup of coffee or tea with some sugar or a splash of milk, sometimes a hearty bowl sweetened cereals and / or a glass of juice. These are fluids that digest quickly with fast sugars that they might perk up a few hours, but in nothing have
These people rattle at 11 hours of starvation.

The solution: porridge

These "diesels" are a problem. They can have as many say they have to get up earlier so they have time to wake up and have breakfast, maybe even get them at the table, but they will still eat without hunger. They can still meticulously explain the negative effects that the lack of a good breakfast, (fatigue, risk to recover, risk of accidents, etc.), it is all wasted energy.
But you can try to dish them oatmeal. This British specialty oats cooked in milk provides protein, complex sugars, fiber and calcium, is the perfect breakfast!
Mix 4 tablespoons oatmeal bulbous among 15 to 25 cl of milk, add a handful of cranberries, raisins, or some other kind of dried fruit, put the bowl in the microwave 2 minutes and you're done. You can also bring variety in taste with a few drops of liquid vanilla or cocoa powder or a spoonful of honey scented.
3 minutes on the stopwatch (1 'preparation, 2' cooking), you have a more or less liquid meal (depending on the amount of milk) in 5 minutes in and may continue for a full breakfast, especially if you have a juice to drink. So you will certainly afternoon endure without a stomach rumbling.

Five Exercises To Strengthen Your Neck Muscles

Vijf oefeningen om uw nekspieren te versterken

Do you have sensitive cervical vertebrae? Cause your neck or your shoulder sometimes discomfort or even pain? Then it may be time to strengthen muscles of your nekstreek. Below are five specific exercises for the neck muscles. Do it several times a week.

Strengthen weak neck

Do you occasionally have trouble with your neck? Certain postures, movements and activities such as work on the PC can lead to stiffness, discomfort and sometimes pain in the neck and shoulders. With a few simple exercises that strengthen the muscles around your neck bones, you can do away with these inconveniences.
Note that the exercises presented here are only for the stresses in the high-back to decrease.
For stiffness in the neck, arthritis and other problems that can cause damage to the cervical spine must go to a doctor or physiotherapist.

1. Nekspieroefening

Hook your fingers together and put them behind your head, your elbows spread wide open and pull your chin. Now push your hands and push your head forward while your head back in order to provide unchallenged. Work with short press times without a dynamic movement of it. Repeat the pressure points 15 to 20 times.
2. Nekspieroefening 

Place one of your palms on your forehead if you would support. Push your head down if you want to bend. Working again with brief moments of pressure without a real fluid movement out of it. Repeat the pressure points 15 to 20 times.
You can also cross your hands and place on your forehead, keep your palms or out.

3. Nekspieroefening

Place one palm on each temple and the elbows spread wide open.
Now push the one alternating with the other hand against your head and try to do your head straight.
The intention is that you have to pressure.

4. Nekspieroefening 

This is a variation on the previous exercise. Tilt your head to one side and place your palm on the sleep of the opposite side to pressure.

5. Nekspieroefening

Stretch both arms above your head, cross your hands and pull strongly to separate them. Bring your arms down and put the meantime, pull on.

Take time to exercise.
Avoid quick movements and especially abrupt pressures. Increase the strength of the pressure slightly and very gradually so you must offer more resistance. You can also increase the number of pressure points from 20 to 50.
Do the exercises several times a week, ideally 3 to 4 times.
Only then are they effective.

Additionally, you must also pay attention to your posture.
Have a good attitude in everything you do: work or leisure activities on the PC  if you sit at your desk (straight back), if a call (clip the phone not between your ear and shoulder), driving (control position of the seat and mirrors) and even if you sleep (neck line of the spine) or watching television (eyes at the height of the screen).