
Senin, 21 November 2011

Diabetes: Learn to Recognize The Symptoms

Diabetes: leer de symptomen herkennen

Everyone knows what diabetes is, but few are able to recognize its symptoms. The signs of diabetes are indeed little known. These are the most important.

Diabetes and blood sugar

Diabetes is a disorder of glucose metabolism. Glucose is the basic element that the body with energy. The problem is due to a mistake in the production of insulin by the pancreas or the fact that the cells fail to properly use the glucose (insulin resistance). In both cases, there is a high concentration of glucose in the blood, which is called hyperglycemia.

Thus, we distinguish between hand type 1 - diabetes or insulin dependent diabetes which mainly affects children and young adults and characterized by a pancreas (or pancreatic) that no or insufficient insulin. On the other hand, there is type 2 - 
diabetes, the most common form, known as "fat diabetic" called. This form is due to insulin resistance and occur mostly in people older than 40 years. Finally, there is gestational diabetes, which occurs during pregnancy and disappears after childbirth.
Cases of
diabetes are becoming more common and the affected people are getting younger. Our diet and our lifestyles have certainly something to do.

The biggest problem with
diabetes, the risk of complications. Prolonged cases of hyperglycaemia affect the blood vessels and nerves and lie at the root of many serious complications: cardiovascular disease, neuropathy (nerve disease), renal failure, retinopathy (disease of the optic nerve), foot ulcers, recurrent infections.

The characters indicate diabetes?

The Symptoms are the same regardless of the type of diabetes. Note however, because in the case of type 2 diabetes, the symptoms are often insidious. Diabetes lurks in the background, often long before late breaking, sometimes discreet and non-specific symptoms. The disease is sometimes so only detected when the first complications occur or when an examination for another condition occurs.

The signs of diabetes are:
  • Require frequent urination (day and night).
  • Many thirsty.
  • A greater hunger.
  • Excessive fatigue and faintness.
  • Weight loss.
  • Recurrent infections of the skin, gums, bladder, vulva or the foreskin.
  • Poor healing of scars.
  • Tingling and itching hands and feet.

    But sometimes the symptoms of
    diabetes complications indicating:
  • Visual disturbances (blurred vision).
  • Pain or cramps in the legs.
  • Impotence. 

What are the risk factors of diabetes?

  • Genetic predisposition.
  • Overweight.
  • Abdominal obesity.
  • Elevated blood pressure.
  • An unbalanced diet: rich in saturated fatty acids in animal fats, low in fruits, vegetables and fiber.
  • A sedentary life.

    The best way to detect an onset diabetes, is to measure the blood sugar levels with a simple blood test (fasting), especially when the risk is :
    Diabetes : Blood glucose (fasting) above 1.26 g / l.
    Risk of diabetes, blood sugar (fasting) between 1.10 and 1.26 g / l.

    Better still, you can avoid diabetes through healthy and balanced diet by preventing obesity and regular physical activity or sports. And finally, by your blood pressure and your cholesterol checked.

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