
Jumat, 31 Agustus 2012

Insomnia during the transition

An typical transition complaint
In the hectic life of Western man, it is important to have a good sleep. The effects of a night without sleep, the next day the same noticeable. During the transition insomnia may occur more frequently. How do you deal with insomnia? 

insomnia, menopause, menopausal, menopausal symptoms

Insomnia can be seen as atypical transition complaint, just like palpitations, weight gain, headaches and mood swings. These are all symptoms that occur during the transition, but not clearly related to the changes in hormones.

Many forms

That does not mean that they are less annoying. Insomnia or disturbed sleep during the transition can take many forms. 

Including by difficulty falling asleep and waking up during the night. Often hot flashes, night sweats and sometimes even breathing disorders such as sleep apnea causing this. 

There are also other reasons for insomnia. Thus, the physical, psychological and hormonal changes associated with the transition a considerable impact on the quality of sleep. 

But also changes in lifestyle, your health and your relationship with your partner can be a cause. The lack of sleep leads to fatigue at least during the day and can also cause minor inconveniences. 

Incidentally, it is true that the need for sleep decreases as you age. Elderly sleep lighter and shorter. You lies awake in bed tossing and turning, because you used to a certain time sleeping. But your body is now no longer necessary. Insomnia does not necessarily have to be related to the transition. 

Insomnia addressing
Are you still convinced that the insomnia complaint transition is?Then there are a few things to do. If we use sedatives aside from, there are some general remedies. A cup of warm milk before bedtime take for example, or even in a warm bath or shower. 

In the afternoon energetic sports provides a healthy fatigue and need for sleep. A walk, gardening or stretching for that matter can also be sufficient. Visit sauna or a massage also help, as well as the use of homeopathic medicines. 

Pay careful attention to your diet: extensive lunch and dine light and no later than three hours before bedtime. Put more easy on the use of caffeine (coffee, tea, chocolate, cola). Obesity can also be a cause of insomnia. 
Avoid stimulating activities in the evening when watching TV and computer and get a dark, not too warm bedroom. Also, acupuncture can help with insomnia. It is important to provide for a regular life: get up on time and do not go to bed too late. 

Sensitivity increases
It is known that women are susceptible to the influence of stress, health problems, changes in the relationship with age, deaths and other life events. 

During the transition may increase sensitivity. If the solutions do not work, it is advisable to see if therapy might help to combat insomnia. 

It is important for short-term insomnia, such as hot flushes or traumatic life events, treatable. In order to prevent the situation from the hand. 

Or hormone treatment improves sleep in women with hot flashes is debatable. Recent studies suggest little improvement in sleep time in taking female hormones. The use of melatonin tablets can have a beneficial effect. Melatonin is a natural substance that has positive effects on inter alia entering and staying asleep. 
The most important remedy for insomnia during the transition is free and without much difficulty to obtain relaxation . Sleep is rest, so make sure you are in a quiet position ends when the time comes. Leave the worries for tomorrow.