
Minggu, 22 Januari 2012

What stress type are you? Castaway, doormat or slave of technology

Stress at work can work on your nerves. You can awake at night by lying down and can contribute to health problems like heart disease and depression. Find the source of stress is often the first step in the right direction, but that's easier said than done.
Stress, stress, burnout, boss, management, bullying

Fortunately, we can help with this. Experts have eight types ofstressful situations at work mapped. Which of these agreements show you the most?

1. Worked on minor

 You always work for someone else and have little to say about how you do your work.
Solution: This type of jobs in which many of you asked and which you have little control often cause tension. Even if your job can make no less demanding, often helps if you can be more involved in decision making. Small changes often have great influence on tension and stress .

2. Castaway

Features: You feel alone. For help or guidance you can not go to your manager. You have no colleagues to drop by to vent if you feel the need to feel.
Solution: Support a good manager and great colleagues is needed to work properly to carry out. Lack of (a) both can lead to frustration. Try your need to communicate better. If you need help from your boss, be as specific as possible. It is also good to increase energy stabbing in touch with your colleagues.

3. Frustrated getter

Features: You work a work around, but you feel that you do not have enough appreciation for it. With blood, sweat and tears make sure that your boss score points, but nobody looks at you.No storage, promotion, and even compliments.
Solution: Especially for people driven by need for approval lead to stressful situations like this. Try your career goals with your boss to discuss. Probably you do not get the reward you want immediately, but it gives you and your boss at least more understanding of the situation. This may have a positive impact on the future.

4. Doormat

Features: You get to deal with demanding and verbally aggressive customers. However, you are expected or even required, to accept these insults and professional, calm and friendly stay.
Solution: The missing balance between your inner state and the roles you expect on your take, you must work hard emotionally.You can change your boss for advice, but an exercise to deal with difficult customers is probably a better idea. Eventually you can then work again, without discouraged touching or aggression in person to take.

5. Slave to the technology

Features: With the smartphone, mobile phone and laptop, which you may or may not have received from your boss, you are always reachable. You are constantly in touch with your office and work and personal life run more often and more together.
Solution: Stress as a result of the new technology is a growing problem to be. To protect yourself from mental and physical tension, it is important to learn how you make themselves unavailable. Create technology free daily periods: for example, 9:30 in the evening until 8 o'clock in the morning. Use that time to clear your head and relax.

6. Plague Victim

Features: A boss who insults you, give impossible deadlines, and work overload with afzeikt in front of your colleagues. Or maybe you still are not subjected to harassment by your boss, but you see what happens to others and you're afraid you're next ...
Solution: If you feel you are a victim of harassment by your supervisor, your boss may try to soften. Even better, this together with colleagues who do share your frustration. If that does not work then it is important to document the harassment and express your concerns with a senior or someone from human resources.

7. Burn-out

Features: You're tired, very tired, always tired. Both physically and mentally. You've even reached the point that you really can not work together any time and may collapse.
Solution: The term burnout is often used. The official definition is severe exhaustion that results from prolonged work-related stress. If you experience or feel burnout coming, it is wise to your supervisor to discuss the possibilities for free or to take leave.

8. Wronged victim

Features: Work is not honest. Your boss has favorites, decisions of the management team are unclear and arbitrary, and you and your colleagues are treated like little children.
Solution: Workplaces lacking in honesty, transparency and respect employees know more stressed. It is often difficult to change such a situation, but you have some degree of control over the work environment. Still, it sometimes helps to take care to speak to a supervisor or someone from human resources. If it's just for the moment to be lost. 

Jumat, 13 Januari 2012

Tricks for a good memory

When it rains our memory performs better brains and red wine protects against stress. A lot is known about the functioning of our brain. With some tricks will keep your memory in top condition.

 memory, memory, Alzheimer's, Reminder, reminder, tricks, dementia, Alzheimer

Over the years you get less of the correct name. You start to confuse memories often. According to researchers, the problem is here mostly in working memory. That's the memory that you remember for a moment a brief telephone. The memory usage, when you dig into your permanent memory, the way not to lose. The memory can be quite happy to improve the training .

Practice makes perfect
Our visual memory is getting better.That we still better is not surprising.What you practice is better, so are the brains. The visual society, the more we think in pictures and images to remember. The researchers from University College London, this discovery did make a comparison with the IQ test .Then also ranks each generation better than the last. The IQ test is regularly made more difficult, because otherwise the scores would be higher still. Memory tests should also be adjusted, the researchers found.
Older brains superior
If you're young, you can easily remember names. If you're older, you remember better what clothes at a party the guests wear.Young people remember better what they want to remember - they use their explicit memory. Older people use their implicit memory better - they remember the big picture and pick up the hidden facts: that the hostess and host the same shoes, for example.

Researchers at the University of Toronto in 2011 showed a group of youngsters (average 19 years) and elderly (mean 69 years) a word test. They were asked mainly on the color of the letters to watch. The exercise that followed they had words to finish. The elders did so agile, because their brains quickly that they had in mind the words of the first exercise could use. The researchers believe that older people remember better what they see , hear and smell.

Playing with information

The more influence you have on what you learn, the better you remember. At the University of Illinois in 2010, subjects were a computer mouse in hand and viewed on a computer screen using various objects one by one along the statue moved. Half the group was the object with the mouse back and forth, the other half had no influence on the movement. The first group of objects and their order could later recall better than the second.During the experiment, their memory centers are also active.The brains beat actively collected information better. Learn something when you do the easiest to play with the information.

Second language helps

People who speak two languages, words are easier to occur in both languages. For someone who speaks English and Dutch, for example, is that the words 'movie', 'experiment' and 'computer'. Discovered that psychologists from the University of Ghent. A second language is apparently active when you speak your native language and helps to find the right word.

As changeable as the weather

When we remember less sunshine. That researchers at the University of New South Wales in Australia when she random customers in a newspaper kiosk declined a test. On the counter stood ten objects including a piggy bank and a toy. Once again outside the kiosk, the customer asked to name the items on display.
On rainy days the score was three times higher on sunny days.What the subjects remembered was more reliable, they had less 'false' memories of objects that were not on the counter.Customers were no longer in bad weather in the kiosk, so it was not. The researchers suspected that the memory associated with the mood. Rain is in grumpy and that makes the brains sharper.

Objective view of life

We naturally have a keen memory for negative experiences. The image that we preserve the past, is therefore often negatively stained. But older people remember positive experiences as well as negative, researchers at the University of Alberta. They showed subjects pictures judge. Gave the pictures a positive or a negative feeling?
Three minutes later, they were unexpectedly asked which pictures they remembered. The young participants mentioned the negative pictures, while the elderly were not selective. This is because the memory in the elderly no longer so strongly connected to emotional centers. Their memory will only act when the first emotional reaction is over, making them more objective reminder.

Relaxed Recovery

The substance resveratrol in red wine protects against stress memory. The substance activates a gene (SIRT1) which researchers from the University of Toronto last year found that the memory cells but also helps the heart recover after a high dose of stress . The researchers now want to watch or people with memory problems can be treated by the SIRT1 gene activation. A glass of red wine, it can also contribute. The alcohol in the wine has a positive effect. The implicit memory is a bit better under the influence of alcohol. But do not overdo it, because the alcohol interferes with it the explicit memory.

Rabu, 04 Januari 2012

Quit smoking: 10 Tips

How do you keep your full of good intentions?

You smoked your last cigarette on New Year's Eve? Then you start the new year a lot healthier! To your good intention to hold on, we put the best tips for you here.

smoking, quit

1. Why do you stop

So you want to quit smoking, but why exactly? "Because it's bad for me" is not enough. To stay motivated, you need a good personal reason for stopping. Maybe you want your environment from the dangers of passive smoking? Or is lung cancer a nightmare? Would you fitter? Select a reason so strong that it deters you a cigarette stabbing.

2. Do not stop cold turkey

Most people who quit without medication or therapy intervention soon returned the cigarettes. There are many tools such as nicotine replacement and medications, use them. 

3. Do not do it alone

Tell everyone that you left for your friends, family and colleagues can drag you through hard times. 

4. Relax

For many people, smoking is a tool for stress. They think they relax a cigarette. Now you do not smoke, you need something else to get rid of your stress. Get a massage, listen to relaxing music. Try to avoid stressful situations equally. 

5. Avoid alcohol

Some activities may put you always have a cigarette. For example in your coffee or a drink. Break these habits from a time not to drink coffee and replace temporarily by tea. You always smoke after eating, brushing your teeth or after meals or chewing gum. 

6. Brush your house

Once you stopped, you will encounter nothing that reminds you of your old addiction. Throw an all ashtrays lighters out of the house. Was everything that typical smell of smoke still hangs like your clothes, curtains and carpets. 

7. Make a new attempt

It is very normal to suffer a relapse. Most smokers try several times before stopping for good works. Consider what caused relapse: an emotion or circumstances? Use this knowledge to your new quit attempt.

8. Move

Exercise may be craving for nicotine and reduce withdrawal symptoms. Put on your running shoes or hop on the bike instead of a cigarette to intervene. So once you burn the extra pounds that might aagekomen since you stopped smoking. 

9. Eat Fruit

Quit smoking while on a diet does require a lot of willpower.Focus rather on healthy eating as many fruits and vegetables. A study by Duke University showed that cigarettes are therefore less tasty flavors.

10. Reward yourself

Besides the health benefits, saving you a lot of money now that you stopped! Put the money you previously spent on cigarettes into a piggy bank and buy yourself something nice for your switch money.